Talents and Skills Academy
Talents and Skills Academy created by BNP Paribas and JRS Portugal is the new projecto of JRS Academy.
With the objective of supporting 75 refugees every year, up to a total of 225 in just 3 years, this project aims to make a fundamental contribution to displaced people from other countries, in their inclusion in the host society and in their integration into the Portuguese labor market. The project is part of the BNP Paribas Foundation’s program to support refugees, which is carried out in 11 countries in which the BNP Paribas Group operates, developing concrete initiatives to combat social exclusion, together with associations and partners on the ground.
The first course, called Coaching for Employability, will be held 3 times a year, and aims to promote the personal, social and professional development of 10 refugees (aiming to reach 90 refugees in 3 years), in an initiative divided into three areas: Development of Personal Skills (16h), Vocabulary of Technical English (50h) and Other specific technical skills (digital inclusion, financial inclusion, human resources and IT), the latter, taught by volunteers from the BNP Paribas Group in Portugal and which includes a visit to the its headquarters in Lisbon.
The second course, Teaching Method and Techniques, will be held once a year, and aims to develop teaching skills to a group of 5 refugees (aiming to reach 15 refugees in 3 years). This course, of 66 hours in total, comprises theoretical training (16h) and a practical part (50h) where each of the elements will apply the teachings they received, training a group of 8 refugees, in different areas.
This course aims to promote the talents and skills, through trainings courses, to develop personal, social and professional skills to refugees and migrants. Besides having coaching sessions, the classes integrate more modules such as: personal development, technical English, human resources (how to create an impactful CV, preparing to a job interview, create or improve a LinkedIn profile), financial inclusion and information technology (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
The Coaching for Employability course has the duration of 2 months and the classes will be online and presential (at the headquarter of JRS Portugal) between 2pm to 5pm – Monday to Friday.
However, to participate in this course it’s necessary to have certain requirements such as speaking english fluently and having a higher qualification in your professional career.
We also offer a training scholarship and the monthly pass to public transportations so you can come to our classes!
To sign up or get more information send an email to madalena.veiga@jrs.net
Do you have a hidden talent in you? This course is for you!